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The Background

Knowle House Surgery, located in Plymouth, Devon, participated in the General Practice Improvement Programme (GPIP) to identify and implement operational enhancements. Having already modernised patient-facing systems, the practice sought to optimise back-end processes that could alleviate GP workloads. 

The Problem

The practice identified inefficiencies in document management, particularly with pathology and pharmacy processes, which were consuming significant GP time unnecessarily.

The Solution

Through the GPIP, the practice revamped its document management protocols. They reassigned tasks that did not require clinical decision-making from GPs to other team members, such as pharmacists and administrative staff. This included streamlining the handling of pathology results and referrals, ensuring tasks were appropriately delegated to the most suitable team member.

Reflections from the Practice

Sarah Cousins emphasised the positive impact of the GPIP, noting, “I’d definitely encourage other practices to take part in GPIP. It enabled us to free up time to get this project off the ground and made us committed to put it into action. We’re always busy and it’s hard to find time to make improvements, but GPIP gave us a gentle push and encouragement to make the changes we knew needed to happen.” 

By implementing these changes, Knowle House Surgery has optimised its workforce capacity, allowing GPs to focus on clinical duties that directly benefit patient care, thus enhancing overall practice efficiency and satisfaction.