A Historic day for Qualitas

Wednesday 3rd May 2023 marked a unique milestone in the history of Qualitas, with alumni from four cohorts of our award winning development programme, Pathway To Partnership, coming together in Manchester to re-connect, share ideas and experiences and more crucially, to pool their collective critical and creative thinking to consider potential solutions to two major challenges facing Primary Care leaders.
The day was facilitated by Nigel Lockett, Professor of Innovation & Entrepreneurship, University of Strathclyde & Qualitas Associate Lecturer and the first of the day’s challenges that our alumni considered, was addressing ‘Winter planning and associated pressures in Primary Care.’
In the afternoon session, Wayne Kirkham, Senior Primary Care Manager, NHS England set the second challenge from a ‘System’ level, to consider ‘How will you lead in the new world?’ This was posed in the context of the ‘Fuller Report’ and the creation of Integrated Neighborhood Teams to deliver enhanced patient care in communities.
Further to the exercise, Wayne commented that “It was really interesting to see how the teams wanted to innovate and be different in their approaches” and Dr. Charlotte Fok, Partner, Green Lane Medical Centre, added that “The day was brilliant, a great source of networking and it made me feel less lonely, which being a partner can be.”
All participants agreed, that in dedicating time to focus on important issues away from the practice, the alumni day was very effective and sharing experiences and ideas has immense value.
Over 200 partners in general practice have graduated from the Pathway To Partnership and with our next programme starting on Wednesday 21st June, you too can join this dynamic, engaged community of Primary Care leaders.
For more information and to reserve your place, go to:
Save the date for our next alumni event in London on Wednesday 20th September.

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