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CQC Area

CQC Ready Every Day

CQC Inspection Questionnaire

Please answer the following questions as honestly/openly as possible. We want to ensure that the sessions meet the needs of those attending so need to have a clear idea of your current needs as a Practice Manager or CQC Lead and for your practice overall. Your individual response will only be used to inform the content of the webinars and will not be shared on an individual basis with Humberside LMCs, CQC or any other organisation.

DD slash MM slash YYYY

It's not something we love but we feel confident we are in a good position, without a huge amount of work, to be ready for an inspection whenever it is announcedA bit anxious - we know we will get everything ready to be in a good position once the inspection starts but we know it will be quite a lot of work leading up to the inspection dateQuite stressed - we will have a lot to find/arrange/create and I'm not looking forward to the date as there will be a huge amount to do and I think we will struggle to get it all doneExtremely stressed - We are not at all ready for an inspection and the amount of work will be overwhelming to get us in a position for an inspection

Yes absolutely. Roles and accountability is very clear and the leadership team work well together to oversee the CQC areas not only when an inspection is announced but all year roundYes to some extent - we do make sure everything is covered but this is usually only a focus when the inspection date is announcedHmm - its all left to one person to oversee and there is little joint ownership for CQC compliance across the leadership team/partnersThis does feel like a gap at the moment

Outstanding understanding of the requirements and expectations of CQCGood understanding of the requirements and expectations of CQCUnderstanding of the requirements and expectations of CQC requires improvementInadequate understanding of the requirements and expectations of CQC

Outstanding understanding of the requirements and expectations of CQCGood understanding of the requirements and expectations of CQCUnderstanding of the requirements and expectations of CQC requires improvementInadequate understanding of the requirements and expectations of CQC

Yes - we have an annual plan that covers all the key activities and actions we need to track and complete to be CQC ready as much as we can be all year roundWe create a CQC action plan when the date is announced to make sure everything is ready when the inspection date comes roundWe don't have a CQC plan

Yes - we have robust processes in place followed year-round that I know mean we are on track to deliver against all CQC requirementsYes - we have some processes in place but I think there is still more we could do to ensure year-round requirements are metWe don't have processes in place that are followed year-round and it tends to feel like a scramble when the inspection is announced

Yes completely - we know where to find all documents and capture all audit and related information required by CQCYes to some extent - we have a number of robust processes that are usually followed and can usually find all the information we need to accessWe sometimes struggle to locate files and sometimes our processes are a bit flawed or aren't followed which causes gaps in documentationNot at all - this is an area that I think needs a fair bit of work to improve at the practice

Very confidentConfidentFairly confidentNot confident at all

Yes - we have a very easy to navigate electronic system(s) where we capture all relevant documentationYes to some extent - we do capture most things on a system but it is still sometimes challenging to find things or there are gapsNo - we don't use an electronic system - we use spreadsheets to track and paper documents

All staff would confidently know thisMost staff would confidently know thisSome staff would confidently know thisI'm not sure many staff would be clear about this
Who are the Leads and what are their roles within the Safeguarding Area for the practice?
Do you understand and would you be able to access the processes and documentation required for Safeguarding policies and procedures for the practice?

Paper FoldersSpreadsheetPatients Clinical RecordsSafeguarding Meetings / MinutesDon't know

OutstandingGoodRequires ImprovementInadequate
Well Led