New to Partnership Payment Scheme Update

The Qualitas Pathway to Partnership concentrates on the non-clinical skills required to develop a successful, sustainable practice, including:
- Strategy and change management
- Leadership and personal resilience
- Operational management
- HR and developing the workforce
- Financial management and performance
- Legalities of partnerships and Networks
As stipulated by N2PP, the training must meet the following criteria:
- Training must be commenced within the first year of accepting partnership role
- Financial claims should be submitted within three months of purchasing the training
- Training must support skills related to the delivery of a partnership role
- Participants should seek to get best value through utilising this public money well
The Qualitas Approach
We have developed this programme to share the skills and tools you need to develop yourself as a partner and your practice in a way that will actively enable collaboration, networking and peer support. Our intention is for these peer relationships to endure long after the end of the formal programme.
Please find full programme information and secure your place on our development programme here
Updated New to Partnership Payment Scheme information
The scheme in a nutshell
All new Partners in GP Practices (as of the 1st April 2020) are eligible to apply for funding via the New to Partnership Payment Scheme (N2PP) where you can access two benefits of the scheme;
- A training fund of up to £3,000 to support early partnership skills development
- A sum of £20,000 (for a FTE role = full time equivalent means 9 sessions (of a minimum or 4 hours 10 minutes per session) per week pro-rata) to support establishment as a new partner
Updated information on N2PP, eligibility and how to apply can be found here – (last updated October 2020).
Updated Information
We have received a lot of interest in our Pathway to Partnership – which perfectly fits the criteria noted within the scheme’s guidance document: Over the last couple of weeks, we have been speaking to new Partners who have applied for the scheme. Here is some additional information based on their feedback;
- A portal has been set up by NHSE here – Use this to submit an application to NHSE or to make a claim. You need to register and sign in every time you visit the portal. Once registered, you need to enter your ODS code so your practice gets linked to you and you can submit/claim.
For N2PP you need to select your role and provide your home address.
Once on this portal, you can:
- Submit your application
- View forms
- Submit training claim
- Submit annual monitoring form
- Submit change form
This portal can also be used for ARRS (additional roles reimbursement scheme) forms for claiming workforce payments.
2. Future NHS Collaboration Platform has been set up:
You need to register for an account then you can view all information.
This includes:
- For any New to Partnership Payment Scheme queries please review the FAQs, which are available on this platform
- If you experience any issues logging in to or using the online portal, guidance is available on this platform
Made your application but haven’t had a response?
A number of people made their application a couple of months ago but have not yet heard back from the scheme. NHS England have provided us with the below information on the 15th January 2021:
“The scheme has received unprecedented interest and the team are working through all the applications as diligently as possible. We are hoping to advise applicants whose applications have been successful over the coming weeks. The eligible recipients will receive a welcome letter once they have been accepted on the scheme.”
We are expecting all applicants already applied to hear back from NHSE by mid-February 2021.
Application Process
- Apply via the portal, choosing ‘New to Partnership Payment Scheme’
- If you became a partner and are still waiting for the paperwork to be completed, you can ask your Practice Manager to write a letter confirming you have become a partner and that the paperwork is in the process of being completed. We understand from NHSE this is sufficient information for acceptance onto the scheme
- Once you have heard back that you have been successful, you can then book onto your training course, pay in full and submit your reimbursement from NHSE via the portal.
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