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The Problem

Surprisingly, many practices are still struggling to use the full functionality of digital tools aimed at improving patient care. It is common for practices to comment on using only 30% of software’s capability, overlooking significant opportunities to improve access.

Our Solution

Led by an experienced primary care coach, during a series of seven workshops, practices will assess and baseline current services and access routes and then identify and implement improvements to these services. AccessEase allows practices to evaluate all service routes within their practice and locality, powering them towards the goal of modern general practice. Being able to identify and implement the most appropriate enabling technology to improve patient access and outcomes is the goal.

Let us lead your practice management team through a seamless transition to a modern operating model and to the future of primary healthcare access. Contact us using the link below.

Still Unsure?

Concerned about overwhelming patient traffic? While opening access may seem daunting, traditional methods often create bottle-necks or artificial demand, such as the 8am rush. Behavioural science shows that offering more choice can help spread demand more evenly.

By providing patients with a variety of appointment times and entry points, practices can better manage their workflow and ensure a smoother experience for everyone involved.

The Benefts

For the Practice:


  1. Reduced workload and increased productivity
  2. Improved access and overall patient care and satisfaction
  3. Clear visibility of all service routes positively impacts financial performance


For the Patients:


  1. Increased appointment options that fit around their lives – more convenience
  2. Improved continuity of care with appropriate clinician
  3. Greater control and understandable access to self-referral healthcare services


For the Staff:


  1. Improved digital literacy, job satisfaction and retention
  2. Reduced click rate and decision fatigue
  3. Operating at a higher level of productivity

The Opportunity

Realises economies of scale through collaboration within PCN teams, accelerating modern ways of working.

Accurx acknowledge practice teams are only using 30% of the technological functionality of their software. Even more worrying, this refers to the easy-to-use basic functions. Practices are overlooking significant opportunities for productivity gains that could streamline both their workload and communication with patients, leading to improvements in access. 


For an introductory price of £6,000 per PCN including VAT, AccessEase aligns with the PCN DES 24/25 funding stream via the Capacity and Access Improvement Payment (CAIP) in supporting PCNs to achieve simpler online requests and faster care navigation.  

Head to page 50, section 11, of the Network Contract DES 2024/25 to find out more. Use the link below.

Programme Information


7-week programme covering 2-months


The programme will be a mixture of workshops and follow-up activities – these range from 1-3 hours


Next Programme Date:

  • TBC – please contact us if you have any questions about AccessEase, including next delivery dates.


All sessions will be virtually delivered on MS Teams.


Practice Management team



    Introductory offer: £6,000 per Primary Care Network (PCN) including VAT.


    AccessEase can be funded through the PCN DES 24/25 funding stream via the Capacity and Access Improvement Payment (CAIP)


    To participate in the AccessEase programme, practices must meet the following requirements:

    Technology: Each participating practice must have a functional website and communication software to facilitate digital access.

    Growth Mindset: Practices should be willing to adopt new ways of working and technologies to improve patient access.

    Commitment: Practices must be prepared to commit time to complete assignments outside of the workshops.

    Participation: It is essential that key members of the practice management and clinical team contribute.

    Proficiency in Microsoft 365: All meetings and resources will be held on MS Teams. Participants should also have a basic knowledge of Excel.

    How It Works

    Orientation (1.5 hours)
    We explain the schedule, demonstrate the AccessEase toolkit, and explain the Baseline assignment for workshop 2.
    Baseline (2 hours)
    We finalise service entry points (clinically, administratively, and self-service), engage in shared group learning, and explain the Service Design assignment for workshop 3.
    Service Design (2 hours)
    We agree on quick-win service design modifications, engage in shared group learning, and explain the Planning & Communication assignment for workshop 4.
    Planning & Communication (3 hours)
    We learn how to align the enabling technology (website, clinical diary and software), finalise the implementation plan and schedule all activities, and build a communication strategy for patients and staff.
    Technology and Integration (1-hour check-in)
    The practice independently executes the implementation plan and aligns the technology, with a predicted time of 9 hours, and participates in two 1-hour check-in sessions to assess progress and integration.
    Follow-up and feedback session (1 hour)
    We reflect on progress and achievements, share the impact of service design and alignment of enabling technology, and plan the next steps for continued improvement.


    “Patient self-booking links are working very well, and it is saving me about 20 minutes per clinical session. I am creating less task and making less phone calls -patients can now book appointments in their own time which they appreciate as this gives them greater control over how they access our services.”

    Dr Sri Aravindhan
    Partner at Glebelands Medical Practice

    Sign Up

    Ready to transform your Primary Care Network? Embrace innovation and take your practice to the next level!

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    Don’t miss this unique opportunity to shape the future of your practice. Act now!